Article 2



Editorial Policy


Third Sector (TS) seem to be of special interest for many a social science researchers world over. There was always a space for third alternative in the socio economic milieu of the countries all over the world. This need seem to have got more pronounced in the wake of global integration pushed primarily by the neo-liberal forces. Not that the concept of TS is accepted as a consensus term, but the need for strengthening the institutions in this sector has been accepted without flutter. It is an extremely interesting phenomenon that many contending schools of thought recommend TS as the need of the hour.

The role of the TS is increasingly becoming important in the last decade. First, it was the disintegration of centrally planned economies and the need for safeguarding cohesion in democratic market societies, which brought the civic associations to the central stage. The crisis in the traditional welfare states has also compelled the policy makers to think of more planned and increased use of the non-state sources to guarantee welfare and to curb the cost of public welfare.

The need to find a platform where researchers could enter into dialogues and discussions on third sector related issues was very strongly felt. Thus TSRRC E Journal.




The TSRRC Journal is a peer reviewed journal located at Third Sector Research Resource Centre, University of Mysore, India. The journal accepts qualitative, quantitative, theoretical and also empirical based articles. The journal addresses a wide range of topics. The following is an indicator to the areas of debate appreciated but we can go beyond these to address those issues that are relevant to people and their lives in societies.


Generic Themes





Cooperative Movement

Social Movements

Social Capital

Specific Themes

Third Sector Debate

What is Third Sector

Why not Civil Society


North - South Debate in conceptualizing Third Sector / Evaluation of western paradigms and assessment of their suitability in Indian situation

Region specific approach to people’s action

The nature, working and typology of Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) in India

Analysis of the context of emergence of TSOs in India

location of the social, political and economic space occupied by TSOs in India

Development of third sector paradigm that reflects social reality in India.

Third Sector and State

Understanding the relation between State and TSOs.

Legal issues relating to Third Sector

Understanding the TS that do not fall with in the existing Laws.


Governance Issues

Debates on Governance

Models of Governance

Third Sector and Governance

North – South debates in Third Sector Governance

How relevant is State and Corporate Governance parameters for understanding Third Sector Governance.


Research Methodology for TS


Quantitative Approaches


Qualitative Approaches


Mixed Methods